Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dog Days of Winter

When you don't have a healthy amount of snow, winter just seems like a waste of time.  At least here in Minnesota.  I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for warm, spring days and for camping season to begin.  Nothing beats being outside at 8:30 at night and you can STILL see because the sun hasn't set yet.

What do you do in the winter-time when you are ready to be outdoors, in a tent or around a campfire?  Well, what I do is get my kids excited about camping by showing them potential destinations for summer camping trips.  One thing I like to do is go to the Minnesota State Parks website and check out the panoramic virtual tours.  Very cool.  The kids get really excited when they start seeing pictures of the lake, a beach, a campground, etc.  But I'm careful to not start doing this too early in the winter, otherwise it's pure torture for those poor kiddos.  

The other night, I was online with ALL the kids - one on each knee, one on my shoulder and one on my head.  We were dreaming about where we will go camping once it gets warmer outside.  I started by asking them how many times we should go camping this year.  Well, that turned into a bidding frenzy, not unlike an auction.  The higher number of camping trips, the better.  My son got up to about six.  My daughter thought we should just go camping every single weekend.  The final decision ended up being at least five trips.  

So, that's our goal.  Five camping trips.  Next thing you know, we were picking dates and I was mentally committing myself to those dates to make this all happen.  Not every camping trip will need to be six hours away or a 3 night camping bonanza.  Doing an over-nighter at a local state or county park is just as exciting as a long trip far from home.  Making the effort and getting out there and being together.....with the tent, campfire and s'mores is good enough for the kids!  Heck, even Grandma's backyard will work fine.

With all that said, I've made commitments to my kids, I know where we are going to go and when we are going to go.  This keeps them excited and gives them something to look forward to.  It also assures that camping trips won't get swept aside during the busyness of the summer season.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Hey!  Welcome to my blog!  My name is Joel. I'm a husband and a father who LOVES to take his family camping.  As I was growing up, camping was a huge part of our family's life.  Some of my greatest memories happened while camping.  I have continued that tradition with my own brood.

My goal with this blog is simple.  I hope to inspire parents to take their kids camping and create some awesome family memories.  Camping doesn't have to be a lot of exhausting work.  It can be easy, fun and relaxing.  How you ask?  Well stay tuned.

I'll be testing gear, sharing tips, posting camping highlights, personal experiences and mistakes.  Keep checking back.  It's sure to be fun!