I am sitting inside my house writing this and I can hear the cold wind blow outside. It seems like April flowers are anxiously waiting to bloom, but this cold weather is slowing things down. This month is definitely coming in like a lion , so I look forward to the end of the month!
Camping season is coming soon and once again it is a fight to schedule quality fun camping time among all the busy stuff that goes on throughout the summer. This year I am planning to do some one on one trips with each child. I am wanting to do this so that I can do a camping trip that will cater to what each of my kids like. They all have different personalities and all enjoy camping for different reasons, so I had the idea of planning trips that will suit each one of them better. This also allows me to spend more quality time with each one too.
For example, my 13 yr old son likes to set up camp, stay there to just enjoy the campsite and just "be there". He also likes to practice his bushcraft skills. I will be taking him to a remote wilderness area to set up camp and just explore that area.
My busy 9 year old daughter is wanting more adventures, drink coffee, see some awesome views, and she is not afraid to challenge herself. So this year, she and I are going backpacking together.My 6 year old son can't think about anything else but fishing, and he often out fishes the other kids. This year I can take him on a fishing/ camping trip and help him learn more fishing skills.
My teenage daughter wants to see beautiful scenery and have some adventure, but wants to keep it short and do some shopping too.
Even though its sounds like a lot time to do something like this, I wanted to try it because finding time to get to know each child's personality is hard during the the regular routine. Often times they get grouped together and are known only as "the Kids" and life flies by and you end up not really knowing them.
My wife stays home with our kids while i work and she seems to always know them better than I do. That is why I want to do these tips ,so I can get a one on one weekend away with each one. I hope to make some good memories and get to know them better.
So Dads, I am talking to you. Try to find that one on one time with your kids, even if you can't do a weekend campout and can only do an evening fun time. Any one on one time with Dad is special for a child and will create life long memories. Nothing is better than having an adventure with one of your children that belongs to just them. That way you can talk about it and say "you remember when"? Guaranteed they will cherish that.