Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Is it Time to Go Camping, Yet?

5 Ways To Fit Growth Groups Into Your Busy ScheduleThe sun is warming us up, the leaves are starting to form on the trees, and the tulips are growing. Yes, spring has sprung! With spring come plans for the summer.  As many of you know and most likely have experienced, the calender seems to populate itself on May first.  All of a sudden weekends are being filled up with birthday parties, weddings, family reunions, community and church events - you get the picture.  All of these are really important  things to do, and fun to be a part of, but sometimes can be very overwhelming. I think it can be very exhausting to be on the run all the time and not slow down.

I know how much my kids enjoy, for example, a lazy Saturday when we just "hang out" and do fun stuff.  Unfortunately, these Saturdays do not come very often. Also, with all the summer plans, specific and purposeful family time gets forgotten.

I started this blog to inspire parents to take their kids camping, and I still advocate that getting into the outdoors is a great way to just slow down and bond with your kids.

The other day I was talking with my youngest son and we were discussing  how it was getting warm out and the robins were showing up again, and he said to me, "Is it time to go camping yet?"   I chuckled and told him that soon we will go.
I know for some of you camping seems like a lot of work or maybe you don't know where to begin, and that's a fair assessment.   But when you have a couple days to be away from the busyness of life and work (and the television) you can have a schedule-free day with the kiddos for just walking, talking and noticing the wildlife and flowers.  And what's better than ending that schedule-free day around the campfire with s'mores, funny stories and enjoy the laughter of your young ones.

So yes it is time to go camping!

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